over alaskan expansion from 2001 to the beginning of the recession, the top 1% took home 65% of the income generated over that period. the bottom 90% got 13%. our tax plan makes them more aggressive. you raise revenue at the top. the cap and trade regime or carbon tax as well addressing global warming and other limitations to itemize deductions to limit the value of itemized deductions to 15% and make sure the playing field is much more level across the income scale. overall we recognize distribution has been changing significantly in the last 30 years. we try to realign the tax code recognize the fact. >> there are lots of features of the plan. we make filing much simpler for most people. by getting rid of a lot of things we get rid of the alternative minimum tax with a lot of detail. i will share a number of that kind of struck me. we are trying to figure out the impact distribution amounts on the income tax part of our plan and basically we do raise taxes on the richest 1% but it is the equivalent of a one or two year pay freeze. if the incomes on the wealthy continue rising that they h