busy lives, it's a ffll workllad and a full wwrkllad outsiie of &pwork so you sooetimessyou need to closs 200 pinuues inna dark room. for cllse your eyes so you sometimes you wwrkklad outssde of work full worrload and a full all lead busy lives, it's a way to unwinn aalittll, we all lead bbsy lives, ii's a full workload and aafull workload ootside of work so you sometimes you need to close your eyes for 20 minutes - in a dark room. "it really does thh trick."once a week yelena uses her lunch breakkto puck away for some shut ey, - at 7 dollars for 20 mmnutes. napping on the job is usually -3&pprohiiited by ost employees but more and more are slowly enhance empllyee performaanc. sleep experts say ttking naps is a good strategy. "it'll iicrrase proouctivity, problem solvinggability and it will pou staa awake so you'll always be bbtter for having taken thht napp"new employye - bennfit figuues from the society for human resource management shows companies with n-site nnp rooms havee innreeaed from last year - from 5 - 6 pprcent. yeloospa which offers nap rooms is also & seeing growth n busines