i am the project manager for church and duboce road station projects. i am here to give you an overview and update. the project limit includes developing the avenue between noe street and church street, and between duboce and market street, including the crossing on market street. as you know, this corridor is very busy. it is a major thoroughfare for j line, n line, and number 22, n line the in the busiest liner system. -- line in our system. the collaborative effort has started in early 2008. representatives from the china could neighborhood association and upper market cbd and other advocates such as what some francisco and the bicycle coalition were invited to a monthly coordination meeting, working with the city planning division, the san francisco arts commission, sfpuc, mta, and other staff. this meeting is still ongoing. it will continue to the construction phase. the community outreach meeting is going to be held this coming thursday, some good tamayo, may 5. -- cinco de mayo. the goal is to make sure the community vision plan better serves the