(dwight howard) don't sit on the sidelines. (walt frazier) get in the game! (alana beard) for more information go to: dribbletostopdiabetes.com [applause] >> we are back with the general jerry boyken. a lot of things can go wrong. this was a gusty move. the president took a big risk and made a courageous decision because let's talk about the things that could have gone wrong? what if the communication broke down. >> they have so much reduppedancy it is unlukely they would have lost contact. but one of the things that did happen is something we saw before. on the attempt to rescue the hostages. a helicopter became the problem. we saw it in mog on -- mogadishu . if they lost a helicopter. we say two helicopters. there were more than two there. they would not have gone in without adquate back up if they did lose a helicopter. if you go in on a hot target, you have to expect you can lose a helicopter as we did in this case. there is a lot of contingency . in the months they had to rehearse this, governor, they went through every contingency of how to react if cer