no, not at a there were three of us, george akerlof and stiglitz and me. joe and george knew each other and i met joe after i did the work. we weren't really working together. we weren't working on exactly the same thing. >> rose: but did you come to exactly the same conclusion sms. no, i think you would call them slightly different pieces of a puzzle. >> rose: this book is all cad the next convergence, the future of economic growth in a multispeed world, michael spence, thank you. >> thank you, charlie. >> marissa mayer and susan mashibe is here, marissa is vice president of product management at google. the company's first female engineer. mashibe is the founder and executive director of tanjet, a company that services private aircraft. she is the first woman in east africa to become both a certifiepilot and engineer. the two have snt the st month together. they were paired through a meoring program cosponsored by t state dertment and "fortune" magazine. one of the things i love most about sitting at this table are moments like this. two women on differen