in my book about the work place all of the then all of idea for those of you that are not out on looksism is the body is by which employers are constantly hiring great looking people and taking them more and promoting them further. in preference to the rest of us who are more homely. [laughter] yes it is on a fair but not until around the harvard law review ran if interminable i shouldn't say that and 80 or 90 pages didn't note on the need for all to come about homely. not until around them had been thought that it was much of an issue for the law. but, they're in i believe the year 1999 there appeared to be an extremely long harvard law review student note and it didn't take too long before looksism became an interest for legislators and judges. indeed, the district of columbia right here has passed one ordinance banning looksism and so has a number of other municipalities. the one reported a couple of years of the gentleman who was finding it hard to keep at a retail outlet with as the multiple john piercy's that have inflicted on the speech impediment and this is what got me fired. [la