maclaine came out that my record on medicare was given a rating of "liar, liar, pants on fire. -- pants on fire." i think that speaks for itself. i have many democrats that have supported me in my last two campaigns. i would absolutely do the same thing as a member of congress, making sure i represent everybody. >> our final question comes from sean carroll. >> you have said that you support a plan put forth by congressman paul ryan that would turn medicare from a guaranteed benefit into a voucher system that would certainly cost future recipients more money. some polls indicate this is an unpopular with some americans. they will not venture a number as two percentage. it would you consider withdrawing your support of the plan, and if not, what makes that plan the best way to ensure that medicare is not insolvent? >> let's get the facts straight. the plan that i am supporting is not a voucher system. what it does is that it creates medicare for anyone under the age of 55, it would become medicare party. -- medicare part "d." it would pay directly to the individual. there's no doctor inv