and that's something that hadn't been done before, so we decided to use this very brief screening and brief intervention tool called the assist. it is the alcohol smoking and substance involvement screening test, which was developed by the world health organization. well, we use the assist results in intervention planning quite immediately; that is part of the beauty of the assist, that it has kind of a built-in intervention that, based on the score that is deduced from the eight questions of the assist, you are kind of guided to do a validating response, a brief intervention, or an intervention with kind of a referral to treatment or a discussion about kind of getting further treatment. and in that assist they'll provide much more detailed information on their pattern of usage of various substances. we have a fair amount of detail that we end up with as a result of their completing the computerized assist. one of the things we use with the assist results is kind of looking at how maybe the substance use is impacting the current... their presenting issues. if it is depression or anxiety, maybe how the substance use is exacerbating that, and we will give some education about that, the risk fac