. >> second broon. president o'brien: any objections, seeing none, approved. secretary: item 4 will be continued until the next meeting. item 5, general public comment, allowing members of the public to comment generally on matters within the commission's purview and suggest new agenda items and there will be public comment taken after each item on the agenda. president o'brien: do we have comments from anybody on matters not on the agenda? seeing none, public comment closed. secretary: commissioners, item 6, discussion of possible action to make recommendation to the board of supervisors on board of supervisors file no. 110506 [planning code, police code, business and tax regulations code- limited live performance permits.] president o'brien:a presentation? secretary: we have a presentation from supervisor mirkarimi and i have public comment we received a few moments ago. president o'brien: welcome. >> mr. president, honorable commissioners, good evening. ross mirkarimi, supervisor of district 5. this legislation simply aims to provide opportunity for artists