the report has been posted on the san francisco lafco website and is also available through our clerk, a hard copy. it is a phase two. the original study is also available on the san francisco lafco website. supervisor campos: thank you, ms. miller. can we have the tv screen, please? >> rick hutchinson ith r 3. pleased to be here again. i did want to go through a brief smear of this report. as you know, you asked us to come back with information in four areas. information related to fees and services that were provided by the haulers to the jurisdictions. a correlation between service rates and diversion rates, fees and services, description of fixed assets held in the city of san francisco, and information regarding potential consequences and benefits related to barging. we have met with several entities, and the haulers, willed like to -- we would like to thank the i different team for this information. we listed 13 jurisdictions in the report. i am not going to go through that. what we were able to do is generate information that looked at the fees and services provided by the haul