i am an elected member of sfciu , and i want you to hold the line on our costs. san francisco takes great pride in leading the counties of california in developing the home care movement. there has been a movement to save and provide for the public, and more efficient home-based care. it saves the city person and is better for our clients and people of need. san francisco has always led the way. we are just asking that you hold the line with our modest health costs. keep them the same. other counties have moved ahead. santa clara county now pays 66 cents more than us. we have not received an increase since 2007, actually before then. we urge you to support the important work that home care work represents for ourselves and for the city. also, the home care program has brought to the city great savings. the 6% federal community needs choice provision will free up dollars for the city funds. also, the 3.6% cut to our client hours and own income has meant a saving for the city. these two items alone our way larger than the proposed cuts that were initially in the bu