i said, "what about shabanu: daughter of the wind?" she said, "let me tell you about shabanu: daughter of the wind." that's how i found out the book had been censored. so at that point, i began a two-year campaign to wear down the school administration till they finally got so sick of me that they finally ended up putting the book back in the curriculum. and it was quite a process. at the end of it, the author, suzanne fisher staples, who has her books censored like judy's all the time, i e-mailed her to tell her that it was back in the curriculum. and she wrote me this wonderful e-mail in which she was--she said, "i'm weeping into my computer, because this is the first time "i have ever had any of my books reinstated in a curriculum after being censored." i have a question for you. i can understand that you went to-- you went to battle because of one line that offended one person. but there's also-- there's also been criticism of the book from the islamic community-- mm-hmm, yes. i addressed that too, actually. as being a stereotype.