. >> to get an idea of what is in store for this area he just has to go and warnenorth. the turbines here are 50 meters tall. the windmills' planned for his area are supposed to be twice as tall. that is why the atmosphere is heated in the cafe. >> do they have to wreck the whole mountain? is it not enough with the roads? >> most people here do not have a clue. the investors promised them some money and they get their land. >> there are wind turbines that blend in better with their surroundings. victoriya builds them, as she learned to do in germany. but time and time again, unlike major investors, she cannot get building permits for less obtrusive projects. tourism is the main source of income on andros. opponents are worried that the guests will stop coming. they say 80% of the island is protected conservation area. >> [unintelligible] >> but the battle is not over yet. the greek constitution has clauses requiring protection for the delicate echoes system areas. -- ecosystem areas. >> when i was on the supreme court i managed to prevent many turbines from being built.