. >> very >> before we delve into casey annon knee and whether or not it will be successful i have another question for the forensic psychiatrist the information of the lawsuit you did a little research what did you find? >> i found 5 or 6 different zanita gonzalez. >> different ages with their relatives. >> going to undermine the lawsuit. i wonder if they all suffered damages. >> you go to lis and stacy. stacy is mad at you but why? >> i know that lis is going to say. >> david and i were discussing it. i know what you are talking about you were going to discuss it. i said i am fully aware of the attorney client privilege. i didn't say he did anything wrong. >> she is not. i am the first one not to be a lawyer. >> i am the first one not to say anything. she prefaced it saying if she knew june 16th or thereabouts caylee was dead he would have obstruction issues. if he didn't know until after the body was found she was in the clear. we don't know and will never know. >> that is all i said. there are so many attorney client privileges there. >> he could resign. >> okay. but you won't let me e