you put your data into facebook which they don't necessarily use you know and it's certainly good fasher a big coin if you think about it is actually you are a willing participant in this network with the current financial system if i don't want to use the banks or i don't want to use for my money interfere money i have no choice if if i want to do business in the world via something like big coin the whole concept is is that now i have my money a night computer and i can choose who i want to trust. that's a really powerful thing and you mentioned facebook wall facebook is a private company big point is not owned by anybody the infrastructure is owned by a participant since i'm not writing right ok and then with the actual workings of it going there is for those who are not familiar there's two sides to it they're the people who are purchasing the coins to be used in this economy and then they're the people who actually create the coins and the people who purchase the coins they essentially it's like any other currency transaction they put in their currency and they get bitcoins which th