will be at the city's discretion in the future, so the jurisdictional approvals were received on fidrych 10, 2009, and by the as the mta board in 2009. it was approved by the college board of trustees in 2008, the transfers along with the exchange agreement fell to be in accordance in a letter from the planning department dated november 5, 2010. both the jurisdictional transfers and the exchange system with the ballpark system area plant and its environmental findings, as adopted by the planning commission on december 4, 2008, and as further with an ordinance. so we secured a positive recommendation for approval of the jurisdictional transfer is in the even exchange agreement with city college. we have representatives of city college year as well as from the office of economic and work force development should you have any questions. supervisor mar: thank you. actually, i did have one question. it is the puc and a major -- major land swap, but there is also mta owning a number of parcels of property in the main area around the bus turnaround, and then there is also the fire department to