. >> on that point, your deputy editor, ian katz was quoted as saying that you were and the paper weressive about this story. how do you plead? >> well, i think you have to be, especially a story in which you don't get a clean wind to begin with. i think the lesson of this story all around is if everybody came out and fade attention to the story we wrote two years ago in july 2009, "news of the world" would still be alive and i think rebekah brooks would still be in her job and we wouldn't have this giant crisis. >> why do you think, alan, with a few exceptions, almost nobody in the british media did aggressively follow up your story? were some of these organizations perhaps afraid their own techniques might be looked at? >> well, that's what people say. i don't know. again, there was a moment when just before the british election the -- there was an employment tribunal which found that andy coulson presided over a culture of bullying at the "news of the world" and a former reporter was awarded a million dollars in damages. that's a staggering finding about a man who is just about to w