so, i think that the vice chancellor jorge bell is here and he will make some comments at the end. we met with everyone from the vice chancellor who has been our main point of contact in that he has been able to bring the deans from the different schools into the conversation with us as we thought about going back to focus on job readiness, what type of classes and course work are appropriate for the community. is it two-year programs or eight weeks and more certificate based programs that result in people getting jobs? i know that there's been a rocky relationship from the p.u.c. in the building and rocky relationship with city college in the building. but our conversations with them since january they have been very great to work with and extremely transparent, showing us enrollment records of the course offerings where you can see which classes have high demand and which classes do not. and they have been honest to have conversations that you are offering six classes with three people enrolled and you have waiting lists around child development and in the nursing program and e.s