six existing leases with ilj san francisco doing business as airport wireless, airport spa sf, luna azuul do business as jalapeno grill, guava and java, and subway. we are seeking the ability to amend these leases to partially waive the minimum annual guarantee and other concessions during the renovation of the boarding area. work is expected to be completed in august 2012. the renovation will provide the airport was upgraded facilities and give us an opportunity to seismically retrofitted some of the existing infrastructure and will also allow us to increase the concessions space throughout the boarding area. unfortunately, most of the pier is closed while we do this. obviously, it results in a pretty significant decrease in passenger traffic. with the exception of mission bar and grill, which cannot continue to operate at all, as their location is behind a construction wall. the remaining leases will continue to operate but with far less passenger traffic. airport revenue developments that as well as the budget analyst estimate that the partial minimum guarantees and fees represents a l