. -- marlene tran from visitation valley. in ingleside, it is no different. people are being victims of robbery, assault, based that they are walking around with ipods on, cell phones, been distracted. we came up with an informational fliers. everyone has small cards in front of you. they are done in english, cantonese, and spanish. and basically, we put them up in businesses. we take them wherever we can and try to get the word out, not just to tell people to be alert in their surroundings. this is one of the best examples of the police and the community working together. ingleside is home to critical infrastructure. that includes the city college, the police academy, the water storage facility. officers may pass on calls to those areas each day. traffic enforcement is one focus we have out here because we have seen a direct correlation between traffic enforcement and a decrease in traffic provisions. this is a snapshot of one such month. if you notice from 2009 to 2011, traffic collisions have gone down. next. the enforcement operations i have mandated for