in some cases, peopop that did have w wer rights were receieing more than ththr share. so t t court recognized thth s sethihihiad t tbe done. as a result of s s sss in the c crts, much less s terrris no. isisas lefefthe e rmers the newlands project feelelg under cocoiderableleressure. [solbos] we're talking about is valley'y'futurereonight. and it's important forors to g g invnvved, and that's why you're here tonight.t. yoyocacalook over the west and see e ter r oblemsmsmsbd those acand thatatatotllcreate what we're trying to do tonight. we're trying to find ways at we can bebeme w wners and to come up with difficult solutitititi to some problems. we spent 5 years, from '80 to o 5, negotiating this thing again, everybody a aeed to-- the pyramid tribe, the state of nevada, california, sierer pacific, irrigation disisict, ananevererody. wasn't until a week before we went back for the hearings that the tribe, pyramid lake membership, said they wasn't getting enenen out of it and was gogog to kill thehehel. it's a two-way s seet,t, and everybodods going to veveo go down n t