weether conditions righh nnw (since thee may delay the launchh --possible auuchhmay delayy the now (siice --possibbe optioos for launch if it's delayed. --the hhstoricc 33 natureeof the flight (bill has spoken wwth a flight (bill has spokennwith 3 flight (biil has naaure of the --the historic nature of tte flight (bill has 3 spokkn with a numbee ofpeople there for number ofspokee with a flight (bill has nature of the ---hh historic 3 natuueeof the flight (bill has spoken with a number ofpeeplee there for the collr aad flavor of the event.) still to come.. 3 maryland is getting fatter! says we rank in the country for obesity! youure watching - fox 45 mornnng news.. all pocal.. all morning. 3 ((break 3)) hé (28:01)we love our olish &ppausages we love corn beef lake trout trouubut mayye eatiig seconds -3pnd thirds of that stuff... was a bad idea.a new report shows we're getting fatter 26th most obbse state in the natiin. 3 kelly o'connor,,a ieticiann with mercy medical center is here o taak about the & findings.--the repoot says... 3 the obesity rate in maryland &ppercent ovee the last 15 ye