one inhhospital6in1critical eondition no names have been eeleasedc30 minutes-beforee that snothereshooting gertrude of an new-6ine nother 30 year-old hothin as helwasestanding 7ncfrontcof the apartment 3uilding.p had toasay p>uonlyrbecausehwe have had oroblems in theapastnwaso that drought richmondwand norfolkerichmondland the ooting they had apcouple of weeksiagomwe have tos lookptoothefpossibility they areerelated.tht is too to tell if itlwas random areeplanned. hose two shootings 101 -ertrudetandcthisrone they may beuconnectedbbecause the pasthincidentsdayheylthink ferhaps both ofrthem could betrelatedttheyiare hoping phe witnesses will come &orwarduandetell them.dnhey ot know of its gets more&informationgand i get3i will bringeition to you. e>di news thecdeadly officer ihooting in district. chis happenedpon nd 19day6afternoon year-eld man was stopped by gfficers6andallegedly pulledooutnand and down and shot at the officers officers returnedcfire and shot the man.6ow the oundationeis asking for a hangewand has6been discounted weiremoved6they claim herhas a conflict of tnterestbas hehwasa