and as i mentioned, william mcclanahan gets jailed. by the time of the revolution, over 50 people have been jailed for preaching or disturbing the peace which was the same thing if you're not an anglican. and the conditions were quite poor. to give you some sense of that, james ireland is jailed in culpepper. where he's jailed actually in the 19th century became a baptist church. it's sort of interesting. but these baptist ministers realized this was part of their witness. they could be in jail and preach from their jail cells, and people would come and listen, and they'd get more converts. james ireland goes to the window to preach to the crowd, someone urinates in his face. john weatherford is preaching from his jail cell in chesterfield county, he reaches out his arms, he's praying, he's got his arms out the windows, men come with knives and cut his arms. he had scars until the day he died. in a number of cases people would gather to hear preaching and anglicans, presumably, would ride through the crowd. if you've ever had a horse c