run dmc was-- i mean, run was waiting for an opportunity forever, and he and his buddy d.m.c. made these songs, and they were so honest. rap was going on a little bit of a tangent. there was some success in the rock clubs. that's where the only crossover existed. no mainstream. and so they were starting to assimilate to the rock stars, or they wanted to get out of the ghetto so bad that they were willing to trade some of their souls, you know, and their attitude and their honesty for it, and so the music didn't suffer, but some of the outfits and the attitudes that they sold with the music was not as honest, and run dmc put on their ghetto uniform and did their ghetto thing, and the more honest it was, the more alternative it was, and the more integrity it had, the more mainstream it was despite the fact that they didn't assimilate. and that was run dmc's claim to fame, that they spoke the language of the people. and i think that that was part of-- that was one of the things that set the fabric for rap culture or hip-hop culture to be uncompromising, because uncompromising art