eric guffords. >> thank you very much. good evening, everybody. it is my absolute pleasure -- this is such an honor for me, to give the award for the rave special service award to a member of mission high school staff who is unique, absolutely committed to our students, and i almost don't have the words to say because i actually love you, linda. so this is for linda jordan who linda works in our community relations office, working with our families and students, with a particular focus on african-american families but actually linda work with everyone in the building and basically if you're a kid at mission you know who ms. jordan is and you're going to college. that's really the bottom line. what i want to tell you, my cell phone is packed with pictures of students going to college and saying ms. jordan, here's my first day, here's my bags, here's my dorm, here's my roommate. and ms. jordan sends them to me and i've got stacks and stacks of these amazing pictures of students go to u.c.'s, h.b.c.'s, c.s.u.'s, ms. jordan is a tireless, committed, p