up against a whole host of spinning anemometers just one scanning module on the l.w. p.-p. hundred is left of pain and equally accurate picture of the window over this kaluga region test site mistakes are high since the losing system may soon be consigned to the dustbin emaciation history the physical benefits of replacing the towers in the already cluttered space around modern airports is obvious soon. missing the ground they slide our systems would also be less of a challenge but if the numbers don't back up the when profiling benefits then the towers are better left in place fortunately the new technology for for perfectly and may soon be ready for full time action. conditions put on your course and the test have been completed successfully and most importantly in the near future we hope to get certified by the interstate aviation committee the organization that deals with equipment certification and once you've got that our task is to provide this equipment for russia's first wind shear detection system and is still in love he will stalk which will be hosting next year'