while we were having problems on the broadway corridor, a lot of people were loinelse to go, andi think a lot of them wft is getto at it is slowly evolving into. you are saygthe is a difference between the conditions that might get this on broadway to polk and it appears much calmer. absolutely. supervisor avalos: thank you. supervisor chiu: can you repeat anmar: can you repeat any past problems at koko's? >> bear with me one second. i am going to work off memory. most of this up and our report is reflective of the new location. it speaks to what kind of happened when the building is empty. in the last seven months, -- supervisor mar: my question is as there were operating their business, you do not recollect any problems? supervisor avalos: any member of the public that would like to comment on this item, please come forward. >> good afternoon, supervisor. my name is lori martin turs, ani am here with my business partners. we're here to so we mets transfer our license to a new location. we are committed to our community. we provide jobs, support neighboring businesses and our eyes on s