the less substantive issue i need to address is what some of you might consider a bit on the pro michael sidey and i'm going to put forward the concept of a professional neglect hypophysis to illustrate what foley painlessly with just a few levels. we get 9.2 million arrested in 2009 by gary melton and his colleagues someplace between eight to 15% of these probably having questionable competency to stand on trials of some pretty extensive work my colleagues and i did to encompass this to stand trial and have issues in likely in parents and also to or 3% of the detainees have mental retardation and about half of those are likely to have miranda impairment. it's too late in the day to do that but consider, in other words to conservative estimates, the lower estimate which is about half of the higher estimates and just let's look at the mentally challenged completely from this and the detainee's with probable miranda. degette the juvenile in fact it's looked at this and varies by age and the conservative estimates i realize in fact as we begin to put the 11,000 will be a conservative estimate at