things laid out in the book is that anwar especially in san diego, he had a helper, the national called momar which is not familiar to many people, but well-known within counterterrorism circles because he was a facilitator in san diego, helped them find apartments, get jobs at a gas station and get licenses to help the two people who spoke no english settle in in early 2000, and he is interesting because he came here as a bogus asylum seeker saying he was a somalia refugee, and at one point, he also claimed to be an italian citizen. during that period there was an effort to exploit our immigration system and an effort by the american anwar to explode the system against us. i point out how he was able to lay and get $20,000 in scholarship money claiming to be a foreign student when he went to school in colorado, but, in fact, we would have never been eligible for the money if they knew he was an american citizen. you do see a pattern of fraud, and, again, people using our system against us. >> let's follow-up on that. he was an american citizen, but got this scholarship opportunity by seeming