mr. chairman. >> senator isakson, thank you very much for joining me. i'd like to thank mr. konyndyk, dr. pham, mr. schaap, for your relief, for the leadership role your organizations have taken, for the insight you've given us and the world as folks have deliberated over this humanitarian crisis. as you've helped make clear today, this is the gravest humanitarian crisis facing the world today. it was foreseeable. it was one for which preparations were made and where there is investment that has made it less severe than it otherwise might have been but it's one that can be expected to occur again because of the combination of governance, climatic, regional, economic and social factors in the horn of africa. and so it is my hope that we will be working together, the people of the united states, the nonprofit community, private citizens to heighten public concern, to strengthen international engagement, to not just respond to this immediate and very real crisis that will likely take tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of lives but to lay the groundwork for preventin