mr. sweeney, i am not the only one that has called to complain. there have been other complaints. the other thing, in the particular case of no heat for eight days, it was not until the seventh day that the landlord attempted to call a repair man. i called after 24 hours with no heat to dbi. how many days, when the welfare of residents are at stake? in the housing code, under the paragraph purpose, it says the purpose of the code is to provide for the maintenance of the minimum requirements for the protection of life, limb, health, property, safety, and welfare of the general public, owner, and occupants of the residential building. seven days without heat and no attempt to repair it. i understand the problem in trying to reimburse the city for the money expended, but i do not think a repairmen coming out and spending two hours is going to be an enormous charge. mr. murphy, last time indicated, it was a small number of landlords that were a problem. i agree with that. i have lived in rental units most of my life. this particular landlord, i have written letters to her and she does