it is a great honor to present to you once again professor vincent harding, sister helen prejean and the 14th dalai lama. [applause] now, um, a word about how we intend to operate here today in this conversation. um, i have spoken to sister helen and vincent harding, and what we will do is we will allow our panelists to talk each for two or three minutes about their own personal path to the stance of nonviolence and the particular role that nonviolence plays in be what they do in the world. we will then follow that up with questions and comments and then, and then at the end we will have a one minute or so summary from each of the panelists, and i am certain that we will all be, by that time, greatly enlightened. we would like to start of course, with his holiness. if you could talk for a couple of minutes about your own personal path to nonviolence, and then sister helen and vincent harding. [speaking in native tongue] >> yeah. good morning, everybody. >> good morning. >> indeed, i'm very happy. this first time, i think, come to state, this city. so this morning i found, of course,