under fed chairman arthur burns in the 1970s this was inflation, 6%. end of the '70s, inflation went up under mr. miller. '80s, paul volcker as fed chairman. inflation came down under paul volcker. it was alan greenspan in the late 1980s. until 2006, inflation stayed pretty low. under ben bernanke's chairmanship, bernanke, according to newt gingrich is the most inflationary fed chairman of all-time -- bink. that's his inflation record. it's kind of anti-climactic, right? again, in normalsville, if you were assessing the inflationary prowess of the guy furthest to the right in red on this graph, he doesn't really look all that inflationary. in normalsville, that guy does not look like your inflation problem, but in republicanland, he must be replaced. he must be fired immediately. he must even be treated ugly by an imaginary mob in the great state of texas because of his horrible, horrible inflationary measures. as represented, again, by bink, that tiny little last position on the graph. it's the same thing with the effect of economic stimulus. with the