austen goolsbee, what about that? that's a pretty high price tag. >> well, i don't think i totally agree with that exact number. but i would say that at a moment when you've got an unemployment rate as high as it is and we've lost 8 million jobs, whatever you could do to get 2 million jobs strikes me as a perfectly good thing that we ought to be considering doing. you know, the professor feldstein and i have at a lot of times agreed on the need for different kinds of direct injection or tax cuts that can be used to help facilitate the growth of the economy. i think if you look at this package, it's pretty broad- based. it's a bunch of things that if this were three years ago, a lot of people would be saying, would be asking, was that a republican plan because a lot of this stuff was... were republican ideas or were bipartisan ideas three years ago. >> woodruff: the point i want to ask you, picking up on what he said. is the situation not desperate enough in terms of needing jobs that even if it just adds up to some jo