Sep 22, 2011
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here's abc's matt gutman in caracas. >> reporter: forget oil.s no commodity more valued in venezuela than beauty. just look at the pageants. six miss universe titles. five times miss world. total of 11 to america's 10. so, how do they do it? >> a loud secret. open secret. >> reporter: dr. peter romer is the michelangelo of plastic surgery. he has personally nipped, tucked and enhanced thousands of caracas women and two of venezuela's pageant queens. >> all the girls are gorgeous. almost perfect. and my work is just change little things. >> reporter: to make them almost perfect? >> to perfect. >> reporter: in some countries the open secret might be scandalous. but it's gotten so that implants in venezuela are to be flaunted. not just among beauty contestant, but working class folks who admire them. why are people so obsessed with breasts here? >> because here we have the beauty pageants, miss venezuela. and all the girls are so flawless. and they are -- they have big boobs, they are the perfect leg, the hair. and everybody wants to be like them.
here's abc's matt gutman in caracas. >> reporter: forget oil.s no commodity more valued in venezuela than beauty. just look at the pageants. six miss universe titles. five times miss world. total of 11 to america's 10. so, how do they do it? >> a loud secret. open secret. >> reporter: dr. peter romer is the michelangelo of plastic surgery. he has personally nipped, tucked and enhanced thousands of caracas women and two of venezuela's pageant queens. >> all the girls are...
Sep 5, 2011
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pues justamente es lo que sucede en caracas, venzuela.te. agosto ha sido el mes mÁs violento. cifras y testimonios de esta dura realidad. >> llanto, luto, impotencia. historias repetidas. causas comunes. todas con un mismo motivo: la violencia. >> esto no puede seguir asÍ! porque si no, este paÍs dÓnde va a llegar entonces? >> agosto fue el mes mÁs sangriento en caracas. 560 personas murieron baleadas. las cifras son extraoficiales, pues no existen cifras oficiales. >> impactada, narra cÓmo su vecino, un sastre querido en su comunidad muriÓ apuÑalado por un cliente a quien no le gustÓ el arreglo de su cantalÓn. tres mil cadÁveres terminaron en la morgue en lo que va de 2011. el 75 % del de los cuerpos con mÁs de cinco disparos. se asgura que hay 57 homicidios, por cada cien mil habitantes, superando a mÉxico con 14 por cada cien mil. la oposiciÓn exige al gobierno de chÁvez medidas radicales. >> Él es el principal responsable. el director de orquesta que le corresponde la inversiÓn, planes, ejecuciÓn, supervisión de la policÍa. >> la mayo
pues justamente es lo que sucede en caracas, venzuela.te. agosto ha sido el mes mÁs violento. cifras y testimonios de esta dura realidad. >> llanto, luto, impotencia. historias repetidas. causas comunes. todas con un mismo motivo: la violencia. >> esto no puede seguir asÍ! porque si no, este paÍs dÓnde va a llegar entonces? >> agosto fue el mes mÁs sangriento en caracas. 560 personas murieron baleadas. las cifras son extraoficiales, pues no existen cifras oficiales....
Sep 2, 2011
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desde caracas, nos muestran cÓmo estÁ repercutiendo este conteo en la poblaciÓn. >> algunas preguntas el hospital militar hugo chÁvez habÍa descendido al estudio de crÍticas opositoras las cuales calificÓ como saboteadores y locas. >> su rival mÁs cercano, primero en las encuestas parece haber quedado fuera de seÑaladopor chÁvez como grupo de locos. enrique atriles y se crea el registro es muy necesario. >> a todos nos tiene que interesar. >> roberto henrÍquez representantes de uno de los partidos tradicionales venezolanos no piensa igual, pues se piensa la nulidad decir preguntas y el fallo nunca se dio. >> advierten que no podrÁn verificar las artes a los datos asÍ que confían en que los venezolanos eran la verdad ignorando opiniones polÍticas, algo que ha llamado un acto de fe, en caracas. univisiÓn. >> miles de libios invadieron en trÍpoli la plaza principal a la que volviÓ a llamar de los mÁrtires por haberse liberado de la dictadura de kadafi. muchos dicen estar felices sin Él, metas tanto el dictador informÓ que no se rendirÁ y que estÁ listo para una larga batalla ante libia t
desde caracas, nos muestran cÓmo estÁ repercutiendo este conteo en la poblaciÓn. >> algunas preguntas el hospital militar hugo chÁvez habÍa descendido al estudio de crÍticas opositoras las cuales calificÓ como saboteadores y locas. >> su rival mÁs cercano, primero en las encuestas parece haber quedado fuera de seÑaladopor chÁvez como grupo de locos. enrique atriles y se crea el registro es muy necesario. >> a todos nos tiene que interesar. >> roberto henrÍquez...
Sep 10, 2011
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en caracas, venezuela, univisiÓn >> en un nuevo captuÍtulo de la exportaciÓn ilegal de armas en estadoses mexicanos. >> los miembros de la familia rizo sabÍan contra eran disparados algunos de los fusiles ak-47 que vendÍan en el sur de nuevo mÉxico, muy cerca de la florontera, las vÍctimas serÍan autoridades de mÉxico. >> pero no solamente lo sabÍan si no que lodeseaban, en una conversaciÓn grabada se escucha decir. >> yo dije, pero que mis armas vayan a mÉxico espero que las utilicen para disparadispararle $%&*!&-&> en el $%&*!&-&> . >> comprometen a Él y su esposa y sus hijos por contrabando de armas y la fecha donde dinero. >> cuando autoridad federales qui allanaron la tienda. la venta de armas a los carteles incluye consejos prÁcticos. >> en noviembre del 2010 le mostrÓ a un intermadiario un arma calibre 50 mientras tanto le explicaba que tenÍa suficiente para matar gente en mÉxico desde una montaÑa. >> la fiscalÍa de nuevo mÉxico afirma en uno de los documentos del caso que contÓ tribunal yerno a la vio loelencia que ha tejitejo dejado en mÉxico mÁs de 40.000 muertos al vender el
en caracas, venezuela, univisiÓn >> en un nuevo captuÍtulo de la exportaciÓn ilegal de armas en estadoses mexicanos. >> los miembros de la familia rizo sabÍan contra eran disparados algunos de los fusiles ak-47 que vendÍan en el sur de nuevo mÉxico, muy cerca de la florontera, las vÍctimas serÍan autoridades de mÉxico. >> pero no solamente lo sabÍan si no que lodeseaban, en una conversaciÓn grabada se escucha decir. >> yo dije, pero que mis armas vayan a...
Sep 25, 2011
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francisco salida investigarÁ las calles de caracas con los propios consumidores y tiene su reacciÓn.ue con bolsas en las manos hasta su bÚsqueda en este mercado popular del oeste de caracas, sin tener mucha suerte en conseguirlo. >> los que sufrimos somos nosotros buscando en cada lado. ahora encontramos absolutamente nada. >> unos metros mÁs allá una vecina se queja de rescate y del razonamiento que enfrenta. dice que la situaciÓn se vuelve insoportable no solo por la difÍcil de conseguir los elementos, tambien por lo costoso se estÁn. >> lo que dice el gobierno que los venezolanos, hemos 3 veces al dÍa... en su casa porque en mi casa somos 3 pensionados y comemos una vez al dÍa. >> seÑala que las Últimas semanas las casas de varios productos de la dieta bÁsica estÁ acentuada. más de 21%. muchos de los alimentos que no parecen estar con precios regulados y con la alta inflaciÓn producirlos crearpÉrdidas. >> hemos notado en las Últimas mediciones que la escasez incrementando registrando la Última mediciÓn un 21.3% desgastes. >> el gobierno no parece reconocer la situaciÓn. su princip
francisco salida investigarÁ las calles de caracas con los propios consumidores y tiene su reacciÓn.ue con bolsas en las manos hasta su bÚsqueda en este mercado popular del oeste de caracas, sin tener mucha suerte en conseguirlo. >> los que sufrimos somos nosotros buscando en cada lado. ahora encontramos absolutamente nada. >> unos metros mÁs allá una vecina se queja de rescate y del razonamiento que enfrenta. dice que la situaciÓn se vuelve insoportable no solo por la...
Sep 28, 2011
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el riesgo de su vida de tomar el mal camino, algo comÚn cuando se vive en la barriada mÁs pobre de caracasa agrupaciÓn de mÚsicos, hoy cuenta con 174 nÚcleos en toda venezuela. cada uno, con mÁs de 3 oro ketss qde3 orquestas, todo ellos gracias a su creador, el maestro, josÉ antonio abreu, su antiguo alumno, el profesor de caracas. >>> ha sido el motor, el cerebro, ha sido la mente. ha sido la voluntad, ha sido la fe. ha sido la esperanza. y lo sigue siendo. >>> la esperanza, persiste en cada barrio, cazerio o lugar de venezuela, incluso fuera de ella, 25 paÍses actualmente aplican programas de educaciÓn musical basado en este modelo. david es paraguayo, gracias a una beg oca kwle gllegÓ al sist violinista. >>> es impactante todo el mundo estÁ tocando muchÍsimo, la energÍa si se siente es increÍble >>> daisy es de medellÍn tambiÉn dejÓ su familia y su tierra buscando la excelencia. tanto ella como daniel, quiere regresar a sus paÍses para llevar esta experiencia. >>> son incontables los reconocimiento dados al sistema de orquestas de venezuela en todas martparte del mundo. pero el mayor el
el riesgo de su vida de tomar el mal camino, algo comÚn cuando se vive en la barriada mÁs pobre de caracasa agrupaciÓn de mÚsicos, hoy cuenta con 174 nÚcleos en toda venezuela. cada uno, con mÁs de 3 oro ketss qde3 orquestas, todo ellos gracias a su creador, el maestro, josÉ antonio abreu, su antiguo alumno, el profesor de caracas. >>> ha sido el motor, el cerebro, ha sido la mente. ha sido la voluntad, ha sido la fe. ha sido la esperanza. y lo sigue siendo. >>> la...
Sep 30, 2011
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venezuela, hugo chávez, han corrido rumores sobre su salud, como nos explica francisco urrisquieta desde caracastros, el presidente de venezuela, hugo chávez aparece buscando desmentir que está mal de salud, se para por dos horas a contestar las preguntas y evade decir qué tipo de cáncer tiene . >>> para aumentar la morbosidad. >>> buena voz, buen semblente, buen humor, quiere demostrar que vence su enfermedad, pero una mancha roja en su cuello ,podría indicar una baja en sus plaquetas, por el tratamiento de quimio. >>> esos son efectos secundarios del tratamiento que recibe el presidente . >>> nada que señale mayor gravedad, pero el cuerpo de hugo chávez está completo por ropa deportiva, ocultando un torso hinchado , que podría ser consecuencia del uso de esteroides. >>> debe deberse que está usando en una dosis muy alta, para coayudar a su tratamiento . >>> hugo chávez iría nuevamente a cuba , para poder tratarse más de su cáncer >>> la enfermedad lo que ha hecho es intensificar los lazos emocionales, porque el presidente luce enfermo. >>> una estrategia que hasta ahora le está funcionando, pe
venezuela, hugo chávez, han corrido rumores sobre su salud, como nos explica francisco urrisquieta desde caracastros, el presidente de venezuela, hugo chávez aparece buscando desmentir que está mal de salud, se para por dos horas a contestar las preguntas y evade decir qué tipo de cáncer tiene . >>> para aumentar la morbosidad. >>> buena voz, buen semblente, buen humor, quiere demostrar que vence su enfermedad, pero una mancha roja en su cuello ,podría indicar una baja...
Sep 4, 2011
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angÉlica gonzÁlez desde caracas nos habla de esta historia. >> alias la tigresa y quien las autoridadesos del grupo habrÍan sido detenidos a una hija del noreste venezolano despuÉs de navegardurante cuba, paÍs que nos refugiÓ durante los 80. el velero tenÍa bandera espaÑola. >> atraviesan todo el caribe para llegar a venezuela... ¿por quÉ serÁ? se debe a la relaciÓn especial que hay con el gobierno venezolano. >> hay una indagatoria a cargo del juez por una supuesta relaciÓn entre la eta, la guerrilla venezolana de las farc y el gobierno de venezuela. el estado venezolanoinformÓ el gobierno espaÑol que ofrecerÍan a quien ha tenido cargos pÚblicos durante el gobierno de chÁvez. un agente policial nos advirtiÓ que no darÍa ninguna declaraciÓn. ♪ >> las autoridades en repÚblica dominicana digan quÉ relaciÓn podrÍa tener las ejecuciones de los narcotraficantes y una presunta guerra entre carteles. darÍo desde santo domingo nos dice con grave en la situaciÓn para los ciudadanos. ♪ >> los hombres fueron asesinados a balazos con las manos atadas. 100 millas al norte de santo domingo, se trata
angÉlica gonzÁlez desde caracas nos habla de esta historia. >> alias la tigresa y quien las autoridadesos del grupo habrÍan sido detenidos a una hija del noreste venezolano despuÉs de navegardurante cuba, paÍs que nos refugiÓ durante los 80. el velero tenÍa bandera espaÑola. >> atraviesan todo el caribe para llegar a venezuela... ¿por quÉ serÁ? se debe a la relaciÓn especial que hay con el gobierno venezolano. >> hay una indagatoria a cargo del juez por una...
Sep 10, 2011
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aliado con irÁn, que ha permitido que elementos del servicio de informaciÓn de ivÁn se presenta en caracasos expertos coinciden que grupos terroristas se habrÍan asentado en amÉrica latina. es eso cierto? >> sÍ, eso lo sabemos por cierto. en paraguay y en venezuela... lo que mÁs preocupa ahora es el vÍnculo posible dentro de los narcoterroristas, como las farc y esta amenaza terrorista del medio oriente. >> desafortunadamente el tiempo el servicio es bastante corto. es un tema muy interesante y del que tenemos muchos puntos para tocar pero se nos acaba el tiempo. quiero agradecer a mario loyola por haber estado con nosotros. >> por las calles. >> el congreso amplia investigaciÓn sobre la fallida operaciÓn rÁpido y furioso a tres miembros del consejo de seguridad nacional. los legisladores que investigan esto pidieron documentos. la operaciÓn encubierta permitiÓ el trÁfico ilegal de unas 2000 armas a mÉxico entre las 9:02 1010. >> un mexicano dio a conocer una llamada de expansiÓn que le hicieran los ztas. la grabaciÓn se escucha a un miembro de este grupo pidiÉndole dinero para atenta con
aliado con irÁn, que ha permitido que elementos del servicio de informaciÓn de ivÁn se presenta en caracasos expertos coinciden que grupos terroristas se habrÍan asentado en amÉrica latina. es eso cierto? >> sÍ, eso lo sabemos por cierto. en paraguay y en venezuela... lo que mÁs preocupa ahora es el vÍnculo posible dentro de los narcoterroristas, como las farc y esta amenaza terrorista del medio oriente. >> desafortunadamente el tiempo el servicio es bastante corto. es un...
Sep 8, 2011
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en caracas, univisiÓn. >> nos vamos con etna smith. >> tenemos fatales noticia eles de un aviÓn que cayo una jaula con una leona. >> yo me tomÉ una foto con un tigre. ¿cuenta o no? sÍ, no paÓo nada >> no, al lado: >> ¿en donde? >> en ttailandia. >> regresamos con los eligelogÓ crÍticos por la instalaciones de cÁma >> a pocos dÍas de conmemorarse los ataques terroristas del 9/11, la ciudad de nueva york se ha convertido en la mÁs segura. >> blanca rosa vÍlchez nos dice que la medida estÁ generando algunos cuestionamientos. >> ubicadas en un lugar secreto en la ciudad en estas cÁmaras se registran los movimientos de los lugares mÁs estratÉgicos y vulnerables de nueva york. >> antes esto no estaba centralizado o sea, tenÍamos cÁmaras nosotros o un negocio tenÍa una cÁmara, nosotros los policÍas teniamos que volver a la cÁmara, subirnos a la camara buscar un video, traerlo a la oficina o sea, que se perdiÓ mucho tiempo. >> por eso se creÓ la iniciativa del bajo manhattan para centralizar ambos esfuerzos paralelas para otras que las contrasta con una base de datos son 2.000 cÁmaras que estan
en caracas, univisiÓn. >> nos vamos con etna smith. >> tenemos fatales noticia eles de un aviÓn que cayo una jaula con una leona. >> yo me tomÉ una foto con un tigre. ¿cuenta o no? sÍ, no paÓo nada >> no, al lado: >> ¿en donde? >> en ttailandia. >> regresamos con los eligelogÓ crÍticos por la instalaciones de cÁma >> a pocos dÍas de conmemorarse los ataques terroristas del 9/11, la ciudad de nueva york se ha convertido en la mÁs...
Sep 29, 2011
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doctores consideraban el mircoles, la posibilidad de trasladarlo al privado hospital de "clnicas caracasde problemas de insuficiencia renal, dijeron fuentes cercanas a la situacin. take vo ---segun el periodico "el nuevo herald", las fuentes que hablaron bajo condicin de anonimato, seÑalaron que el gobernante, ingres el martes en la maÑana en el centro hospitalario militar tras sufrir un desequilbrio general de su estado fsico. ---por su parte el ministro de comunicaciones de venezuela, neg que el mandatrio haya sido ingresado al hospital y calific de "loco" al periodista del herald. cu ----en oakland, esta tarde, cientos de padres de familia vivieron momentos de angustia, durante un operativo.... take vo ....realizado por la policia cuando buscaban a un sospechoso de asesinato. --las autdoridades pidieron a todos los alumnos de la preparatoria "bishop o'dowd" y de la academia "barack obama", a que permaneciera n dentro de sus aulas. ---el sujeto, fue capturado sin mayores incidentes. cu ---en la ciudad de moraga, la policia investiga un posible caso de violacin sexual en el colegio "sai
doctores consideraban el mircoles, la posibilidad de trasladarlo al privado hospital de "clnicas caracasde problemas de insuficiencia renal, dijeron fuentes cercanas a la situacin. take vo ---segun el periodico "el nuevo herald", las fuentes que hablaron bajo condicin de anonimato, seÑalaron que el gobernante, ingres el martes en la maÑana en el centro hospitalario militar tras sufrir un desequilbrio general de su estado fsico. ---por su parte el ministro de comunicaciones de...
Sep 17, 2011
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, el ministro de relaciones exteriores rechaz la acusacin de estados unidos de que el gobierno de caracasra el narcotrfico ---segn el funcionario, estados unidos tiene una campaÑa permanente de agresin contra venezuela ya que el verdadero fracasado en esta lucha..... es estados unidos por los altos nveles de trfico y consumo de drogas que posee ---adems: alega que el gobierno del presidente hugo chvez ,ha tenido xitos en el esfuerzo de liberar a venezuela de las drogas, mientras que en estados unidos, el problema aumenta, segun un informe de la oficina nacional antidrogas.. roll weather open cu ---vamos con ariel rodriguez y el estado del tiempo... take pkg cu ---nueva pausa en el noticiero ya volvemos con los deportes... take vo ---le diremos el proximo rival de los 49'ers de san francisco... esto al regresar en los deportes.... segment ends take pkg cu ---recibamos ahora a maria antonieta mejia quien nos tiene un adelanto de la nueva edicion de el mensajero... hola qu tal los saludo desde la redaccin de el mensajero en el barrio de la misin en san francisco. los invito a que lean esta s
, el ministro de relaciones exteriores rechaz la acusacin de estados unidos de que el gobierno de caracasra el narcotrfico ---segn el funcionario, estados unidos tiene una campaÑa permanente de agresin contra venezuela ya que el verdadero fracasado en esta lucha..... es estados unidos por los altos nveles de trfico y consumo de drogas que posee ---adems: alega que el gobierno del presidente hugo chvez ,ha tenido xitos en el esfuerzo de liberar a venezuela de las drogas, mientras que en estados...
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painted his vision for years to come away from a resource economy modernize the country get rid of caracas all these would later be put together in his manifesto the russia in december two thousand and seven during a similar united russia convention he did it was informally indorsed as a candidate for the country's top job and these time it was putin who delivered his successor a successful campaign he supported that its popularity seventy percent of the vote and in march two thousand and eight believe it was elected president why do you regard it as. as more liberal than his predecessor his term would be remembered for reforms in the judicial system and law enforcement investment in new technology and strengthening civil society he also approved major changes to the constitution by extending the presidential term so if my dinner putin makes it to the kremlin in march twenty twelve he will serve six not four years. of signature goal russia transformed it into goal posts in baltimore those brought the house down and it wasn't simply a president posturing the bus into a new candidate instead
painted his vision for years to come away from a resource economy modernize the country get rid of caracas all these would later be put together in his manifesto the russia in december two thousand and seven during a similar united russia convention he did it was informally indorsed as a candidate for the country's top job and these time it was putin who delivered his successor a successful campaign he supported that its popularity seventy percent of the vote and in march two thousand and eight...
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hundred thirty lies this week in monsoon rains a small thing the country for nearly a month now died in caracas have to be electrocuted incidents related to the heavy rain the weather also called huge traffic jams in the city with many motorcyclists injured after skidding pakistan is still recovering from the words for most of the country's history as year ago when over one thousand seven hundred people died and twenty million that. backed out of that house and about three of the nine eleven attacks and our resident reporter in new york story often is has been out on the city's streets asking people how the world has changed in the decade since that. i decade after the horrible man eleven terrorist attacks on the us how is the world changed this week let's talk about back there were these i won't say more dangerous but it's more like our tick saw things are predictable you don't know what what's going to happen next to life is much intense i think so no. every day can can be the last and you think people around the world feel this way and. i think in europe in america i think so i don't know yo
hundred thirty lies this week in monsoon rains a small thing the country for nearly a month now died in caracas have to be electrocuted incidents related to the heavy rain the weather also called huge traffic jams in the city with many motorcyclists injured after skidding pakistan is still recovering from the words for most of the country's history as year ago when over one thousand seven hundred people died and twenty million that. backed out of that house and about three of the nine eleven...
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his vision for years to come and move away from a resource economy modernize the country get rid of caracas all these would later be put together in his manifesto though russia in december two thousand and seven during a similar united russia convention was in formally endorsed as a candidate for the country's top job and this time it was delivered his successor as excess compay and his supporters boosted knew that its popularity tolbert seventy percent of the vote and in march two thousand and eight but it was elected president what he regarded as more liberal than his predecessor his term would be remembered for reforms in the judicial system and avoid the worst month investment in new technology and strengthening civil society he also approved major changes to the constitution by extending the presidential term so if let him or putin makes it to the kremlin in march twenty. third six not four years which is the a mum. signature goal russia transponder into google both lot of those brought the house down and it wasn't simply a president passing by us and so a new candidates instead the tw
his vision for years to come and move away from a resource economy modernize the country get rid of caracas all these would later be put together in his manifesto though russia in december two thousand and seven during a similar united russia convention was in formally endorsed as a candidate for the country's top job and this time it was delivered his successor as excess compay and his supporters boosted knew that its popularity tolbert seventy percent of the vote and in march two thousand and...
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and for the fourth time the top prize at the venice film festival coming to russia alexander so caracas ambitious rendition of meet our rivals to win the golden lion cross all our other best videos on our you tube channel be sure to check those out to. the official. on the. colonel qaddafi is remaining troops are continuing their resistance in libya of the rebels advance on one of their final strongholds with the help of nato airstrikes put off these fighters did not lay down their arms before surrender deadline last week but the whereabouts of libya's former leader who vowed to fight to the death is still on no one of his sons all sides he has been given refuge in neighboring asia where earlier reports suggested other family members and some associates have also fled there but with khadafi now on the run journalist chandan thinks nato might be contradicting the initial aim of its mission. we have now nato was the main rebel commander in tripoli who was the former friend of al qaida on a so-called jihad the the. this is really the big news that we have today which and not hardly any of
and for the fourth time the top prize at the venice film festival coming to russia alexander so caracas ambitious rendition of meet our rivals to win the golden lion cross all our other best videos on our you tube channel be sure to check those out to. the official. on the. colonel qaddafi is remaining troops are continuing their resistance in libya of the rebels advance on one of their final strongholds with the help of nato airstrikes put off these fighters did not lay down their arms before...
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sources that it's troops have apparently and to some i probably form of there's a stop the capital caracas hometown and one of the colonel's last strongholds the city was first attacked by nato planes on the second day of the major operation here in libya in march the r.t.c. reports that thousands of its fighters from misrata have apparently advanced into the center of the city of sirte put facing a heavy resistance from duffy's. troops gadhafi elite troops apparently armed with a jewelry and a long range drug trials a rocket and also it's not has been to see also reported at least four of its fighters eleven and other reports have been killed during this offensive and seven others wounded and we also receive an information of forty get off the loyalists have been captured in syria and the reports that is information. that happen one of them to get this information is very hard to verify said anyway whatever happens right now in the city of say a battle if confirmed would mean a breakthrough in terms of ending six month long civil war here leave here this battle is very false and symbolica
sources that it's troops have apparently and to some i probably form of there's a stop the capital caracas hometown and one of the colonel's last strongholds the city was first attacked by nato planes on the second day of the major operation here in libya in march the r.t.c. reports that thousands of its fighters from misrata have apparently advanced into the center of the city of sirte put facing a heavy resistance from duffy's. troops gadhafi elite troops apparently armed with a jewelry and a...
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the only way to stop the global crisis hoarding to arts he's an expert that's kaiser but he says caracas bankers stand in the way it's not a recession in the classic sense of labor and products and manufacturing that's not the case at all this is a balance sheet recession in other words the banks principally their balance sheets are collapsing and it's causing the overall economy to collapse because over the past ten to fifteen years the real economy is now dominated by the banking industry so when the banks' balance sheets collapse they're doing now it collapses the global balance sheet and a continuation of the global depression there needs to be a global concerted effort to balance everyone's books to write off all the bad that that will never be paid to recalibrate currencies and to restart the global economy there's no political will for that however because the bankers would lose and the bankers control the agenda of the politicians but the point is that without banking reform without locking up the corrupt bankers there will be no forward progress and this enormous debt burden wil
the only way to stop the global crisis hoarding to arts he's an expert that's kaiser but he says caracas bankers stand in the way it's not a recession in the classic sense of labor and products and manufacturing that's not the case at all this is a balance sheet recession in other words the banks principally their balance sheets are collapsing and it's causing the overall economy to collapse because over the past ten to fifteen years the real economy is now dominated by the banking industry so...
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painted his vision for years to come move away from a resource economy modernize the country get rid of caracas all these would later be put together in his manifesto though russia in december two thousand and seven cheering a similar united russia convention it was informally indorsed as a candidate for the country's top job and this time it was putin who delivered his successor it in a successful campaign he's a poor student and that is popularity over seventy percent of the vote and in march two thousand and eight it was elected president one who regarded as more liberal than his predecessor his term would be remembered for reforms in the judicial system and law enforcement investment in new technology and strengthening civil society he also approved a major changes to the constitution by extending the presidential term so if like him or putin makes it to the kremlin in march twenty. third six years should be a mum. signature good transponding to pull both motos rocked the house down and it wasn't simply the president passing the bus and saying you candidates instead of the two most powerful
painted his vision for years to come move away from a resource economy modernize the country get rid of caracas all these would later be put together in his manifesto though russia in december two thousand and seven cheering a similar united russia convention it was informally indorsed as a candidate for the country's top job and this time it was putin who delivered his successor it in a successful campaign he's a poor student and that is popularity over seventy percent of the vote and in march...
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peaceful solution western leaders discussing leaving his future in paris have agreed to unfreeze caracas as it's for the e.u. saying it will lift some of the sanctions imposed on the country meanwhile colonel gadhafi whose whereabouts is still unknown has been recorded recently saying he is ready to fight a long guerrilla war artist worries the national delve deeper on the ground in one of good obvious bunkers thought to be one of. hobbs is escape route. what's been hidden from the eyes of the public for many years remaining just one of the legends about the colonel became a bailable once the rattle took carefully here it is the answer and took it up is underground city. the we are going down the sign in arabic at the hatch says the rats they sway this is what people in the call khadafi believe in his run away under the ground hiding from the rebels. there is no sound here of celebrating ration teams above ground it's dark and humid and scary some believe that gadhafi had built a bomb shelter are those that it was a facility for the market his intelligence services. look like living room
peaceful solution western leaders discussing leaving his future in paris have agreed to unfreeze caracas as it's for the e.u. saying it will lift some of the sanctions imposed on the country meanwhile colonel gadhafi whose whereabouts is still unknown has been recorded recently saying he is ready to fight a long guerrilla war artist worries the national delve deeper on the ground in one of good obvious bunkers thought to be one of. hobbs is escape route. what's been hidden from the eyes of the...
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head turkey says it could break existing contracts if castro does not provide a bigger discount and caracas complaining that the price of russian gas has risen thirty nine percent in two and a half years republican you lead by thirty billion cubic meters of pass from russia which is almost two thirds of turkish demand this is not the first time the country has asked for lower prices but so far no scope has resisted any attempts to change the culture. that's all from me for this but we'll be back with more in less than about forty five minutes from now so to understand. twenty years ago in the largest country in. the super existence. one hundred each month each began a journey. where did it take. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the him in.
head turkey says it could break existing contracts if castro does not provide a bigger discount and caracas complaining that the price of russian gas has risen thirty nine percent in two and a half years republican you lead by thirty billion cubic meters of pass from russia which is almost two thirds of turkish demand this is not the first time the country has asked for lower prices but so far no scope has resisted any attempts to change the culture. that's all from me for this but we'll be...
Sep 13, 2011
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que a ella le cancelaron su visa de turista yo sugiero que se presente a la embajada de su país en caracas un caso de una madre desesperada. no tenía otra opción. y ella pensó que estaba haciendolo bien. >>> antonella requiere un tratamiento médico especial que exige la presencia permanente de su mamá. y con ese argumento la abogada le pedirá a la embajada de estados unidos en venezuela que agilice el trámite de su visa. si tiene un caso interrogante de un tema de inmigración. marque la uniclave, foros de primer impacto. >>> algunos rescatados en menos de las inundaciones. >>> así es, jackie está lista para presentarnos las imágenes jackie ¿que tal?. >>> feliz lunes chicas para usted fwz amigos. hay cosas y estamos iniciando la semana de trabajo y miren esto. fuertes tormentas causaron severas inundaciones en alemania. las carreteras cubiertas de agua y lodo, y los pasajeros tienen que subirse al techo de los vehículos. las lluvias de granizo se convirtieron en la pesadilla de los conductores. impactantes imágenes. y nosotros aquí localmente iniciamos un lunes bastante tranquilo. lo que te
que a ella le cancelaron su visa de turista yo sugiero que se presente a la embajada de su país en caracas un caso de una madre desesperada. no tenía otra opción. y ella pensó que estaba haciendolo bien. >>> antonella requiere un tratamiento médico especial que exige la presencia permanente de su mamá. y con ese argumento la abogada le pedirá a la embajada de estados unidos en venezuela que agilice el trámite de su visa. si tiene un caso interrogante de un tema de inmigración....
Sep 18, 2011
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hugo chavez, not only is he dancing a little bit to a cheering crowd, but also telling people in caracasre that he's heading back to cuba for his fourth and possibly final round of chemotherapy. as you saw there, he just won't stop dancing. chavez is pledging to run for re-election next year, dismissing speculation that his illness could force him out of politics. >>> this might be a challenge for you. how good would you be at explaining odd little slang sayings in the english language, but your audience is of a foreign, i guess, language. how good would you be at doing that via computer, et cetera. look at this. this is jessica byneki, she's from ohio, lives in washington, d.c. she is a big hit on the internet starring in clipz viewed by hundreds of thousands of people. you probably have never seen her unless you speak mandarin. take a listen. >> omg -- >> all right. there she is explaining. i would love to know some of the things she's trying to explain. what are some of the things she's trying to convey to the chinese about the u.s.? >> what she's explaining is something you won't see
hugo chavez, not only is he dancing a little bit to a cheering crowd, but also telling people in caracasre that he's heading back to cuba for his fourth and possibly final round of chemotherapy. as you saw there, he just won't stop dancing. chavez is pledging to run for re-election next year, dismissing speculation that his illness could force him out of politics. >>> this might be a challenge for you. how good would you be at explaining odd little slang sayings in the english...
Sep 18, 2011
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. >>> in venezuela, this weekend -- that is president hugo chavez telling the cheering crowd in caracasg back to cube a for his fourth a possibly final round of chemotherapy. he's planning to run for re-election next year, dismissing speculation that his illness could force him out of politics. >>> the lawyer for two american men locked up in iran says a bureaucratic hurdle stands in the way of their freedom. hikers josh fattal and shane bauer were convicted on spying charges after straying across the iranian bord twoer yeer two ago. their bail has been paid but the judge who has to sign off on the release is on vacation until tuesday. >>> the president of the palestinian authority speaks to the united nations a few days from now. and says he'll try a new tactic in his quest for an independent palestinian state. let's go lisa, our senior state department producer. so, why is mahmoud abbas taking this route? >> well, some might think, fred, it is upping the ante, so to speak, not getting anywhere with the u.s. or the israelis, so he thinks if he takes this to the international community,
. >>> in venezuela, this weekend -- that is president hugo chavez telling the cheering crowd in caracasg back to cube a for his fourth a possibly final round of chemotherapy. he's planning to run for re-election next year, dismissing speculation that his illness could force him out of politics. >>> the lawyer for two american men locked up in iran says a bureaucratic hurdle stands in the way of their freedom. hikers josh fattal and shane bauer were convicted on spying charges...
Sep 18, 2011
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. >>> in venezuela this weekend, a dancing president hugo chavez told cheering crowds in caracas that he is heading back to cuba for his fourth and possibly final round of chemotherapy. chavez announced in june that doctors had removed a cancerous tumor for his body. well, he is pledging to run for re-election next year, dismissing speculation that his illness could force him out of politics. >>> in less than 24 hours, a five-person panel decides whether troy davis will be executed on wednesday or granted clemency. we'll look at the history and the makeup of this panel, next. >>> also, on monday president obama announces the buffett rule. it's a plan to raise taxes on the very wealthy. and guess who's unhappy about it? that's right. republicans. we'll drill down on the process a and the cons, straight ahead. t'chevy season of ding. and there isn a tt time for a truck, with chk rk after mark of pe doing per. ♪ go yor chevaler today. get the truck and g that list done ♪ down the hill? man: all right. we were actually thinking, maybe... we're going to hike up here, so we'll catch up with
. >>> in venezuela this weekend, a dancing president hugo chavez told cheering crowds in caracas that he is heading back to cuba for his fourth and possibly final round of chemotherapy. chavez announced in june that doctors had removed a cancerous tumor for his body. well, he is pledging to run for re-election next year, dismissing speculation that his illness could force him out of politics. >>> in less than 24 hours, a five-person panel decides whether troy davis will be...