brown: now tu. ]ieue vv c rernoaoc how to top last]ieuo feinstein, ths, jeff.vv velopments ovvf ]itheued easg su accusvved]i teuhe rvv]ieu@noc rr ]ieu?vv vv]ieu@noeu@noc rec 1the "raw noc rec 1 calendar. find it on our "politics" and as part me inequality,vv]ieu vv]ieu@noc rec ]ie"euund the nopac gere.c t.1 more is on ourb sit@jeff?noc rec 1 wv brown: and that'swoodruff. we@here tomorrow evening with mk ]ieuothers@.noc thank you and good neu@noc rec 1 c rer fundingovided by:wv]ieuwvo c literacy in the 21st century.1 and with th and foundations. and.wv..]ieuwv]i eu@noc re c re rati@on forno publred c by1 contributions to s @noc rec 1g sponsored bynoc rec1 captioned by access.wgbh.orgxv]ieu@ xv]ieu@no1