. -- i'm joe donahue. transparency was eradicated. i have never seen since 1965, when i first appeared before commissions, such an egregious case that smells. it is absolutely shocking. we are not asking the zoning administrator cancel the density aspects. the board of appeals would not have jurisdiction to take an issue such as density and rule on that. it is the function of this commission, not the jurisdiction of the zoning director. the zoning director -- neither does he have the right to rule on whether or not there is a change in the windows, which there is because it is a historic district -- he does not have a right to rule on the fact that they are putting a deck on the roof. he does not have a right to rule on intrusions' to open space. this is the jurisdiction of this commission. i, in the early 90's, put a valid amendment that stopped an amendment to the water project. i tried to change the building commission. i also did a valid commission for kaiser hospital. i will offer $25,000 to start the ballot initiative to deal wi