. >> susie: you know, john, the kbw story is so amazing. and how did you rebuild this firm, you and your coworkers were grieving. when you looked back, how did you pull this off? >> there was certainly no play book in terms of kind of how to rebuild the place when you had lost, you know, more than a third of your employees, about a quarter of your capital, all your financial records, you know, many, many key senior employees. we lost five of our nine directors. and the way we did it was we banded together and most of us got out of bed every morning and said well, i'm going to do kind of the best i can do. and we took it, you know, sounds trite but we took it kind of one day at a time. we all felt certainly in those early months that, you know, we didn't want to see the firm fail as a result of the events of 9/11. as i said, that would have meant the bad guys won. >> susie: 9/11 also changed wall street, what would you say is the key difference between then and now? >> it's fill a very competitive world even though some of the names that we