just wait a minute given the and we've been waiting for twenty years and and it's not being becoming any better but i was just with here your minister for education and science and he and all the rector's i met with hooting the rector of moscow state mentioned the fact that government is investing now heavily in education that's the beginning. and that hasn't been the case here in. isn't the case in many countries that's why they're not on the list but i think in five years russia will be on all what's called the league tables people will see that the twenty nine designated research universities are making major contributions to the world especially in science and that's what's going to put us on the range put our schools on the rankings and your schools on the rankings so so you think it's underfunding because of the perestroika and russian economy now that it's just the lack of money in there in the universities and this is the reason for the drawbacks we have got money isn't everything but if you ask an american university leader what are the three most important ingredients it's usually money money and money three dollars dollars cents and he said maybe