arthur anderson goes away. there's a tightening of the rules so at least there's not going to be another arthur anderson situation. wall street essentially keeps playing by the same rules enron had been playing by in the years leading up to their collapse. things like declaring something has value because of the fact you traded it even if the only entity to which you traded it was another part of yourself. ta-da! and in 2008, of course, with all those shenanigans going on, we ended up having a collapse of the only scale that could dwarf the enron scandal. one created entirely on wall street by possibly criminal and very at least negligent reckless behavior by totally deregulated financial institutions. instead of the embarrassment of enron field this time, it was the embarrassment of citi field. its multizillion dollar profits off of playing casino with sham mortgages on houses like these, playing casino of the lives of the families who once lived in these homes. in the midst of that collapse in 2008, a preside