finishing the day great pouncing hindsight spock's smashing the railway man's much bateson stricken from the city stadium from america many can think of reasons to smile and smash up some self treat the stress and side streets in minutes of the game in any case and sponsors it's. been several minutes since a great story the red lights down the street their opponent's. position. meanwhile the normal school have gone third in the table following a tony away victory at stroke put some seats home form up in this latest dollars business in which one temperament which contributed to the girl there the ball has been mixed up because his isn't found after his precise for a cake on the twenty eighth minutes. double the lead on a flushing contract minutes before the break during the second inning to know it ended in favor of the must lots. and in the last match of the game with trying to night pretty sets of being at six eric in samarra to round to the lakefront in the bush. it's a minute's notice the results of tests of sod levelled not says with then another five and i risk getting the equaliser