by the government than an analysis of a real threat so joining me from our studio in new york is dan kaplan executive editor of essence magazine dan i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and if you can start by just telling us a little bit more about this bulletin that the department of homeland security put out do they have some kind of evidence some kind of proof as to why anonymous would target critical infrastructure sure but this was something that was circulated internally at the department of homeland security and it appeared on a public website called the public intelligence website this week. to be honest with you it's really based on some sort of you know some pretty skin evidence around you know aligning anonymous with one to cripple critical infrastructure and you really need to take it with a grain of salt i think any kind of details anyway you know what is there evidence there has to be i don't know is there like a e-mail a tweet something in a chat room that was said. yeah well one of the big pieces of evidence is a tweet that i suppose that anonymous member post