animals in all had been running loose in the ohio bears to lions and tigers.this is how most of them endeddupompson, is accused of freeing them before killingg hhmself.deppties say they had animals."if this hass een a 9 o'clock inccdenn in the middle of he day, odds aae high that we may have been able to contain the area and keep everything contained. but our biggest problem we had n this whole hing was nightfall." "darkness set in at that point the sheriff has to say the ones that are getting ouu of the compound haddto be put down. we can't tranquilize an animal in the dark."the humane society says lax laws n ohio governorrjohn kasich is comiig under fire for allowing a ban animals to expiree. what had not very workable. you don't want to just put somethinggout and not have the infrastructure or deal with all the compliiations that re connected to ttis."but, he says, a committee is working on aanew law to address the matter.animal rights actiiists sayytheesooner that law is in place, the better.i'm greg black, reporting. thh one animal still unaccounted for is a monkey. auttorities believe i