janine garofalo did her homework, studied everything she could.publicly available to her and she got that question right. she was smarter than i was on that question. my answer was, i don't know if saddam hussein has weapons of mass direction. janine garofalo was also smarter than the director of the cia on the most important question that he ever had to answer in his life. he got it wrong. he said it was a slam dunk that iraq had weapons of mass destruction. janeane garofalo was smarter than the secretary of defense on that question, she was smarter than the secretary of state, she was smarter than the vice president, and yes, janeane garofalo was smarter than the president of the united states. she was also smarter than andrew breitbart on that question, and she was much smarter than this guy. >> if you are wrong, all right, that the united states, and they will, this is going to happen, goes in, liberates iraq, people in the street, american flags hugging our soldiers, all right? we find all kinds of bad, bad stuff. >> mm-hmm. >> right? in iraq