atend wecead, ndich 're hopg t n ihi pe tre'sean e t h ehisop n li we' had t's e som goos lie'ad enngs, hop theomoohild is en s,op alhee andell.ld ll: allsrenyurlata que ions lire in how youdohinkhe pice no swny ardoinuens o? w >>ou think theolic pere arin puttg itlose t >>hiheheiric wa t, attfar it whase t the ir inveigatn is wa ar haeveaheng. w yocan y th doe 't veat shis anying? ithowsertea. yon th 5:0oe whshnyg? itws anundentied,s faas i:0 w kn nide ifieun mal ntey pd,bablfahave i idtifikn whot iswhatdeieal it pasbl dveng, at w hidfihoisat it re dtion, ip, were ey we com hg, wre ty went this s anher reea tont , e th e's we whoom w n t sies nt of isanr t ths uestnsho shs n s shes st obinednhs attney, hedon'know the olehing the ob ed liceou'rttdealy,g wi n'ow e inehisignghe cy, is a ce'r bigalwi cityin- s >>ill c inda weigre ivin ty >> l colimes tohee tectes tre a we shin themhe bes co>> imeeallto ct b tieve ae ty em es ha qua ityll dettivein bve t th citand ty've ha huaetve mathitd dappeanceand tve h homides. ese e vema dpeualiceedd mis. dectiv like allveverwnli untrand thinthey l de ivnd oik thellolutn tor trthisd in eybillsoon rat r t