and i also want to tell you something about harold meyerson. harold, for many years, was the progressive political sage at the l.a. weekly. i lived in southern california for many years, so got to know him back then. he is now the wednesday op-ed columnist for "the washington post". many people know that bernie sanders is the only socialist member of the u.s. senate, fewer know but more should know that harold meyerson is the only socialist columnist for "the washington post". [laughter] >> too much competition. [laughter] >> but that's not really harold's important incarnation. he is also editor of the american prospect magazine. here is my copy of a recent edition, and the american prospect is really something, folks. it really offers a vision of what a holistic, inclusive, progressive and most importantly economically-just society would look like. and every issue offers really practical political messaging and tactics for moving in that direction. so i often pick these up at the newsstand at union station. but, harold, i am here to tell you t