of the 25 people killed in the fire 11 lost their lives on sherry cross including john grobenski. he was trying to lead five people out on foot when the smoke and flames overtook them killing them all. sharon cross was only 13 feet wide in some places that's 7 feet narrower than what city codes called for. >> there were people who were trying to exit the fire area. there was the fire department trying to go in and make the stand. that in itself was the narrow roadway creates a bottleneck. >> reporter: after the fire with a million dollars grant from fema, oakland widened the lane to 20 feet. but the hair pin turns remain, future choke points that wor recurrent -- that worry current residents. >> in the event that there's a car in the way. we can't get our car through. we'll be able to hop in a bike and boogy out of here. >> a look from above shows the twisty rout residents would have to maneuver. there are thousands of roads that are sub standards when it comes to width. after the fire, they painted lines to help ease potential problems but some roads are 11 feet wide. that's only