no lafleur around. he had no place to lay his feet. -- like noah, he flew around.lacto h is his feet. what we're talking about is immoral. it should be immoral. tavis: our thank you to the wonderful work being done on the poverty series. we chose to partner with media mobilize on the poverty tore for their stated mission for giving voice those outside the mainstream media, including their staff that come from poor and working-class backgrounds. we are joined tonight by kathleen sebelius, the former kansas governor who now serves as the secretary of health and human services. it is an honored to have you back on this program. >> it is good to be with you. tavis: i wanted to start by sharing with the nation the actual mandates -- the actual mission of what hhs is all about. these are your words, you're agencies words, that your the agency, the principal agency for protecting the health of all americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. that is your mandate that is your mission at hhs. i am not asking m