we struggle with traffic congestion in our city, this was the traffic jam outside of a local amsterdam school. they have made investments, they have seen the fruits of that labor payoffs. again, even in the snow, even when the little hills were a little bit slippery, they pushed that have the bike up the hill. because they made this the easiest way to get around, the most convenient way to get around. in the beginning of my stay, i started talking to folks, why you bicycle? they look at me with these crazy blank faces as if i had asked, why do you put shoes on in the morning? whitey you eat? literally, there was no answer because, of course they bicycle. just like we get up in the morning in eat cereal. it wasn't a political choice for a social choice, it was the easiest way for most people. not everyone, but for most people that i talked to. you saw the numbers she shared, but it has not always been this way. the biggest lessons, number one, it is true that when you build it, they will come. it is not just a committed person like me. it is all the families, the children, the kid ridin